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Bandung, Jawa Barat, Indonesia
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Senin, 13 April 2020

Complaint Letter Example

221, Himachal Hostel

31st August 2019

Head of
Centre of PG Student and Distance Education
Subject- Complaint regarding the Quarter and Allowance Delay
Respected Sir
This is to bring your notice that even after 2 months of PGDRDM Batch 17th start; I still stay in Himachal Hostel with my roommate Mr. Amini Sikivou.
I have to stay in Himachal Hostel. I do not have good phone/internet signal and no Wi-Fi connection in my room 221.  I do not have table and chair for study. I do not have enough space for my belongings.  I also wait for my allowance to fulfill my needs.
Quarter facilities, internet and allowance play important part in learning; I hope you understand the intensity of situation. I kindly request you to undertake a quick action in making the quarter and allowance available as soon as possible.

Yours Sincerely,
Zimmy Permana Sembiring

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